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to be mixed with

  • 1 be mixed up

    (in, with) (to be involved: He was mixed up in that burglary / with some drug-takers.) είμαι αναμεμειγμένος

    English-Greek dictionary > be mixed up

  • 2 Mix

    v. trans.
    P. and V. μιγνναι, συμμιγνναι, ναμιγνναι, κεραννύναι, συγκεραννύναι, Ar. and P. νακεραννύναι.
    Confound: P. and V. φρειν ( Plat.), συγχεῖν, κυκᾶν (Plat.), Ar. and P. συγκυκᾶν (Plat.).
    The draught is mixed: V. νακίρναται ποτόν (Soph., frag.).
    Mixed with, defiled with: P. and V. πεφυρμένος (dat.) (Xen.), συμπεφυρμένος (dat.) (Plat.), V. ναπεφυρμένος ( dat).
    Mix in: P. ἐγκεραννύναι.
    Mix up: Ar. and P. καταμιγνναι.
    Confuse: P. and V. συγχεῖν.
    V. intrans. Coincide: P. and V. συμπίπτειν, V. συμπίτνειν.
    Mix with, have intercourse with: P. and V. συμμίγνυσθαι (dat.), P. ἐπιμιγνναι (or pass.) (dat.). Ar. and P. συμμιγνύναι (dat.); see under Intercourse.
    Mix with ( a crowd): P. and V. ναμίγνυσθαι (dat.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Mix

  • 3 sleet

    [sli:t] 1. noun
    (rain mixed with snow or hail: That isn't snow - it's just sleet.) χιονόνερο
    2. verb
    (to hail or snow, with a mixture of rain: It seems to be sleeting outside.) ρίχνω χιονόνερο

    English-Greek dictionary > sleet

  • 4 smog

    (fog mixed with smoke and fumes from factories, houses, vehicles etc: Some big cities have a problem with smog.) αιθαλομίχλη

    English-Greek dictionary > smog

  • 5 carburettor

    (a part of an internal-combustion engine in which air is mixed with fuel.) καρμπιρατέρ

    English-Greek dictionary > carburettor

  • 6 chicory

    [' ikəri]
    (a plant whose leaves are used in salads and whose root is ground and mixed with coffee.) ραδίκι

    English-Greek dictionary > chicory

  • 7 coffee

    ['kofi] 1. noun
    ((a drink made from) the ground beans of a shrub grown in eg Brazil.) καφές
    2. adjective
    (the colour of the drink when mixed with milk.) καφετής
    - coffee-shop

    English-Greek dictionary > coffee

  • 8 emulsion paint

    (a paint mixed with water rather than oil.) υδατόχρωμα,`πλαστικό`

    English-Greek dictionary > emulsion paint

  • 9 pure

    1) (not mixed with anything especially dirty or less valuable: pure gold.) καθαρός,αμψής
    2) (clean, especially morally: pure thoughts.) αγνός
    3) (complete; absolute: a pure accident.) ξεκάθαρος
    4) ((of sounds) clear; keeping in tune: She sang in a high pure tone.) καθαρός
    - pureness
    - purity
    - purify
    - purification
    - pure-blooded
    - pure-bred
    - pure and simple

    English-Greek dictionary > pure

  • 10 quicklime

    noun (lime which has not been mixed with water.) άσβηστος ασβέστης

    English-Greek dictionary > quicklime

  • 11 unadulterated

    (pure, or not mixed with anything else: a feeling of unadulterated hatred.) ανόθευτος

    English-Greek dictionary > unadulterated

  • 12 Honey

    P. and V. μέλι, τό, V. μέλισσα, ἡ.
    Mixed with honey, adj.: P. μεμιλιτωμένος.
    Pour mingled draughts of honey and milk: V. μελίκρατʼ ἄφες γάλακτος (Eur., Or. 115).
    Honey seller: Ar. μελιτοπώλης, ὁ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Honey

  • 13 mix

    [miks] 1. verb
    1) (to put or blend together to form one mass: She mixed the butter and sugar together; He mixed the blue paint with the yellow paint to make green paint.) ανακατεύω, αναμειγνύω
    2) (to prepare or make by doing this: She mixed the cement in a bucket.) ανακατεύω
    3) (to go together or blend successfully to form one mass: Oil and water don't mix.) αναμειγνύομαι,συνδυάζομαι
    4) (to go together socially: People of different races were mixing together happily.) αναμειγνύομαι,συναναστρέφομαι
    2. noun
    1) (the result of mixing things or people together: London has an interesting racial mix.) μείγμα,κράμα
    2) (a collection of ingredients used to make something: (a) cake-mix.) μείγμα
    - mixer
    - mixture
    - mix-up
    - be mixed up
    - mix up

    English-Greek dictionary > mix

  • 14 black

    [blæk] 1. adjective
    1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) μαύρος
    2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) σκοτεινός
    3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) βρώμικος
    4) (without milk: black coffee.) χωρίς γάλα, `σκέτος` (πχ. για καφέ)
    5) (evil: black magic.) μαύρος
    6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) νέγρος
    7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) έγχρωμος
    2. noun
    1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) μαύρο (χρώμα)
    2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) μαύρο χρώμα
    3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) νέγρος
    3. verb
    (to make black.) μαυρίζω
    - blacken
    - black art/magic
    - blackbird
    - blackboard
    - black box
    - the Black Death
    - black eye
    - blackhead
    - blacklist
    4. verb
    (to put (a person etc) on such a list.) γράφω στο μαύρο κατάστιχο, προγράφω
    5. noun
    (the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) εκβιασμός
    - Black Maria
    - black market
    - black marketeer
    - blackout
    - black sheep
    - blacksmith
    - black and blue
    - black out
    - in black and white

    English-Greek dictionary > black

  • 15 involve

    1) (to require; to bring as a result: His job involves a lot of travelling.) απαιτώ,συνεπάγομαι
    2) ((often with in or with) to cause to take part in or to be mixed up in: He has always been involved in/with the theatre; Don't ask my advice - I don't want to be/get involved.) εμπλέκω,ανακατεύομαι
    - involvement

    English-Greek dictionary > involve

  • 16 Teem

    v. intrans.
    Abound: P. εὐπορεῖν, V. πληθειν (Plat. also but rare P.), Ar. and V. βρύειν, θάλλειν.
    Teem with: P. εὐπορεῖν (gen. or dat.), ἀκμάζειν (dat.), V. πληθειν (gen. or dat.) (Plat. also but rare P.), πλήθειν (gen.), Ar. and V. βρύειν (gen. or dat.).
    Flow with: P. and V. ῥεῖν (dat.).
    The cities are teeming with a rabble of mixed breeds: P. ὄχλοις συμμίκτοις πολυανδροῦσιν αἱ πόλεις (Thuc. 6, 17).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Teem

  • 17 cement mixer

    (a machine with a revolving drum in which water and cement are mixed together.) μπετονιέρα

    English-Greek dictionary > cement mixer

  • 18 impure

    (dirty, with other substances mixed in; not pure: impure air; The water is impure.) ακάθαρτος

    English-Greek dictionary > impure

  • 19 mix up

    1) (to blend together: I need to mix up another tin of paint.) ανακατεύω
    2) (to confuse or muddle: I'm always mixing the twins up.) μπερδεύω
    3) (to confuse or upset: You've mixed me up completely with all this information.) μπερδεύω

    English-Greek dictionary > mix up

  • 20 papier-mâché

    noun, adjective
    ((of) a substance consisting of paper mixed together with some kind of glue, which can be made into models, bowls, boxes etc.) πεπιεσμένο χαρτί

    English-Greek dictionary > papier-mâché

См. также в других словарях:

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  • mixed drink — noun An alcoholic drink made from one or more kinds of liquor mixed with other ingredients. I like gin and tonic as a mixed drink, but I really prefer beer …   Wiktionary

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